Holiday Schedule for Martin Luther King Day
Hey Team CVBJJ! Please note that the only class on Monday, January 21st, will be the 11am session. All afternoon and evening classes are cancelled for the holiday. Thank you!
Thanksgiving Class Schedule
Please note that there will be no kid’s and evening classes on Wednesday November 21st, and no classes on Thursday the 22nd for Thanksgiving. Have a great holiday and be prepared to train hard as normal class schedule resumes on Friday!
Class Schedule Update
Please note that for the immediate future Monday and Wednesday night classes in Palm Desert are cancelled. Also, Thursday night classes in Palm Springs will be cancelled. Students are highly encouraged to train at the alternate location on those evenings until the class schedule can be improved. We apologize for the inconvenience. The entire adjusted […]
Congratulations Ed!
Congratulations to Edward Singleterry, World’s No Gi Blue Belt 250lb Champ! Awesome job to Ed and other Coachella Valley BJJ competitors Christopher Hargett and Billy Nyman for representing.
Classes in Palm Springs!
We’re excited to announce that CVBJJ is now teaching three nights a week at the Gold’s Gym in Palm Springs. With a number of current students from the Palm Springs area training there, classes are sure to have a variety of skill levels on day one. Please come in and see for yourself! For a schedule […]